- Community Events
Community Events
We all need to BELONG.
KCCEB welcomes community members, volunteers, and sponsors to join our events! Let’s connect, share and build community together.
››› Join our upcoming virtual events:
- API Working Moms Support Group: Start on 2/11, Thursday, 6:30-8:00 pm
This group is designed for API working moms to connect, relax, and learn to cope with COVID-19 together. Space is limited, sign up now! - Lunar New Year Poetry Reading: Thursday, 2/11, 1:30-2:30 pm
Come to join this Korean-language Online Poetry Reading welcoming the Year of the Golden Ox. Poet Mr. JaeMoo Byun will read his poetry and share his inspirations for his book. - Lunar New Year Cooking Class: Friday, 2/19, 6:00-7:30 pm
This English-language Online Family Cooking Class featuring Chef Sarah Kim-Lee sharing her fun family-friendly Tteokbokki recipe to ring in the New Year. We will provide an ingredients box to the first 20 Alameda County families who sign up.

2020 Virtual Chuseok Festival
In October 2020, KCCEB hosted the “GOT BAP” rice making workshop at the 2020 Bay Area Virtual Chuseok Festival hosted by KCI. Our intergenerational workshop focused on the history of RICE and teaching kids how to make their first pot of rice!

2019 Then They Came for Me Exhibit
In August 2019, KCCEB co-presented an event with the Then They Came For Me Exhibit’s Public Engagement Program in SF Presidio and other Asian organizations. Korean seniors participated in a cross-cultural exchange, art activities and a Walking Tour.

I didn’t know other communities also suffered like ours.

2019 Halmoni Film Screening + Conversation
In April 2019, KCCEB + ASPIRE co-presented Halmoni, a Korean American documentary film about immigration, family reunification, and love. Members listened to personal immigration stories and discussed how the current immigration system impacts community mental health.

2019 KCCEB Open House
KCCEB welcomed community members to its new space in San Leandro in March 2019. The event included wellness activities, lunch, and games.