BAKI Korean Info Line

BAKI is the Bay Area’s only Korean language toll-free navigation phone line. We provide information, referrals, and navigation in Korean on various government safety net services in the Bay Area including social services, housing, and health care, etc. Our goal is to help community members navigate services and advocate for themselves in accessing needed services.
BACHI Chinese Info Line

BACHI is the Bay Area’s Chinese language toll-free navigation phone line. We provide information, referrals, and navigation in Cantonese and Mandarin on government safety net services including social services, housing, and health care, etc. Our goal is to help community members navigate services and advocate for themselves in accessing needed services.
With 85% of our Bay Area Korean community members and 75% of our California Korean community members being limited English proficient, services in the Korean language are critical.
Meals for seniors

Meals for seniors
Give a Meal of Love is a free, culturally-sensitive hot meal delivery program serving isolated Asian seniors in the East Bay. Originally launched in May 2020 as a temporary rapid response effort, the program is still going strong because seniors depend on these meals. Today, we serve 230 Asian seniors across the East Bay, delivering 690 meals each week.

Social services & health insurance
Social services & health insurance

Social services & health insurance
Social Services & Health Insurance Program helps individuals fill out government social services and health forms, navigate the application process and access services.
Services provided in Korean, Cantonese, Khmer, Mandarin, Tagalog, and English.

Senior Case Management Program provides home visits, daily functioning care plans, wellness checks, coordination of social services, and referrals to low-income Korean and other Asian elders age 60+.
We also assist individuals with senior housing applications and enrollment in government public benefit programs including cash assistance, Medi-cal and CalFresh.
Immigration Services

Immigration Services
Immigration Service is an appointment-only legal consultation including naturalization, re-entry permit, and green card renewal. KCCEB is the only Department of Justice accredited Korean community-based organization in the Bay Area to provide immigration legal services.
- This service is offered to all immigrants in English or Korean. You may bring an interpreter for other languages.
- Fee waivers and fee reductions are available for low-income individuals and families.
Download the Naturalization Eligibility Worksheet
Download the Immigration Service Flyer
Group Citizenship Workshops: This partnership with the East Bay Naturalization Collaborative and Ready Bay Area (DACA) Collaborative offers individuals who cannot come into appointments and/or cannot afford attorney consultations.

Supportive Counseling Program offers free up to 12 months of service to Alameda County residents who are youths, adults, and seniors.
- Service is confidential
- No insurance required
- We specialize in working with East Asian communities: Korean, Chinese, Taiwanese, Japanese, and Mongolian
- Our counselors speak Korean, Cantonese, Khmer, Mandarin, and English. Other languages are available with Language Line interpretation
Asian Community Wellness Program (ACWP) Intro
Fill out the Service Referral Form
AAPI Mental Health Fact Sheets & Resources
Take a Online Mental Health Test Here
Shimtuh is a culturally and linguistically-specific confidential crisis support program for domestic violence survivors. including. We provide clients information, short-term counseling, and referrals to case management and mental health treatment services that address survivor safety, housing, and other social issues.