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BAKI 免費韓語專線

BAKI 免費韓語專線 是灣區唯一的韓語免費導航支援熱線,向灣區英語水平有限 (LEP) 的韓國人提供有關灣區各種政府安全網服務(例如,社會服務、房屋、醫療保健)的訊息,並轉介至合適的窗口。灣區有85%的韓裔社區成員,加州有75%的韓裔社區成員的英語水平有限(LEP),因此我們的灣區免費韓語信息(BAKI)服務至為重要。



Yellow Wave Long Blob


  • 韓文新冠疫情資訊庫:請點此處查看有關健康與安全和基本社區資源的韓語公告。感謝灣區韓裔聯盟(包括韓裔中心公司,舊金山韓裔社區基金會和我們的義工一同組成的工作小組)一同蒐集、整合、更新所有資訊。
  • 致電韓裔獨居長者關切近況:自2020年4月13日以來,東灣韓裔社區中心的員工和義工已致電東灣、三藩巿和聖塔克拉拉縣的550多名孤單的韓國長者,我們會評估長者的健康,安全和保健狀況,並將其與相關可用的服務整理出來提供給需要的人。
  • 補助金申請:如果您沒有證件,也可申請拉薩 (de la Raza)中心法律組織的屋崙無證救濟金的協助。 



長者獻愛之餐 是東灣韓裔社區中心與海灣地區韓裔聯盟、世界中央廚房、東灣三藩巿的韓裔美國人社區基金會合作,集結超過65名義工和8家韓國餐館一同為東灣的裔長者提供免費的膳食。

迄今為止,「獻愛之餐」已於2020年5月至2020年9月為阿拉米達縣的603 多名韓裔單語長者提供了31,200頓餐。東灣韓裔社區中心也為三藩的150多名韓裔長者提供午餐。






Senior Case Management Program provides home visits, daily functioning care plans, wellness checks, coordination of social services, and referrals to low-income Korean and other Asian elders age 60+.

We also assist individuals with senior housing applications and enrollment in government public benefit programs including cash assistance, Medi-cal and CalFresh.

Provided over the phone during COVID-19.

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Group Naturalization Workshop

Immigration Services & Citizenship/ESL Classes


Immigration Service is an appointment-only legal consultation including naturalization, re-entry permit, green card renewal, and adjustment of status. KCCEB is the only Department of Justice accredited Korean community-based organization in the Bay Area.

  1. This service is offered to all immigrants in English or Korean. You may bring an interpreter for other languages
  2. Fee waivers and fee reductions are available for low-income people

Group Citizenship Workshops: This partnership with the East Bay Naturalization Collaborative and Ready Bay Area (DACA) Collaborative offers individuals who cannot come into appointments and/or cannot afford attorney consultations.

Citizenship/ESL Class: This partnership with the Intercultural Institute of California (IIC) is available for Korean and other immigrants. Having a Legal Permanent Resident (LPR) status is required for the class.

  • All clients receiving our N400 form filing service will be eligible to enroll.
  • If you are not receiving naturalization services from KCCEB, please fill out the form below and we will contact you to help you enroll.



Supportive Counseling Program offers free up to 12 months of service to Alameda County residents who are youths, adults, and seniors.

  • Service is confidential
  • No insurance required
  • We specialize in working with East Asian communities: Korean, Chinese, Taiwanese, Japanese, and Mongolian
  • Our counselors speak Korean, Cantonese, Khmer, Mandarin, Tagalog, and English. Other languages are available with Language Line interpretation

Shimtuh is a culturally and linguistically-specific confidential crisis support program for domestic violence survivors. including. We provide clients information, short-term counseling, and referrals to case management and mental health treatment services that address survivor safety, housing, and other social issues.

Offered online during COVID-19.